About Us » 2023-2024 Parent School Compact

2023-2024 Parent School Compact

What is a School-Parent Compact?

A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach or exceed grade-level standards.

Effective compacts:


      • Link to goals of the school improvement plan
      • Focus on student learning skills
      • Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality curriculum and effective instruction in a supportive learning environment
      • Share strategies parents can use at home
      • Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress
      • Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in the classroom.

If you would like to volunteer, participate in, and/or observe a classroom, please visit our website or Main Office for detailed information.

Jointly Developed

The parents, students, and staff of Chatsworth Park Urban Planning Magnet meet yearly to discuss student learning needs based on current data. Our School-Parent Compact for Achievement is based on these discussions. Teachers suggest home learning strategies, parents add ideas to make them more specific, and students identify ways to support their learning goals. Parents are welcome to contribute comments at any time. Parents are especially encouraged to attend the School Site Council meetings, where the School-Parent Compact is formally approved.


Activities to Build Partnerships

At Chatsworth Park, we value our parents/families and develop long lasting partnerships within our:

      • School Site Council: Our SSC develops and approves the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy and School-Parent Compact. It also analyzes student data in order to revise and adopt the annual Single Plan for Student Achievement and approve categorical budgets.
      • English Learner Advisory Committee: Our ELAC meets to analyze data specific to the English Learners and makes written recommendations to the SSC.
      • Parent Workshops: Topics include the new progress reports, the Common Core State Standards, SBAC, and California School Dashboard.
      • Family events such as Starry Nights and PTA functions and activities.

If you would like to volunteer, participate in, and/or observe a classroom, please visit our website or Main Office for detailed information.



Communication about Student Learning


Our school is committed to regular two-way communication with families about their children’s learning. Some of the ways parents and teachers communicate all year are:


      • Activities to build partnerships (above)
      • Phone calls, notes, and mail correspondence
      • Alternate electronic communications such as email, Class Dojo, PASSport (Parent Access Support System Portal)
      • Parent support meetings which include Back to School Night, conferences, and Open House, SSPTs
      • Information posted on our website
Teachers communicate regularly about the student progress and areas of need, as well as maintaining student work samples to monitor progress.


Our Goals For Student Achievement

District Goals:


      • Mastery of the CA Preschool Learning Foundations Language and Literacy benchmarks.
      • Reading to Instructional Level (K-2nd grade): Students will read at or above their instructional level by the end of 2nd grade.
      • Reading Proficiency: Students in grades 3-5 will meet or exceed standards at grade level on the Smarter Balanced Assessments.
      • Math Proficiency: Students in grades 3-5 will meet or exceed standards at grade level on Smarter Balanced Assessments.



School Goals 2023-2024


      • English Language Arts - By June 2024, 85% of all students in grades K-5 will score Benchmark or Above Benchmark by the end of the year, EOY DIBELS assessment. 
      • Math - Chatsworth Park will meet or exceed the district's linear growth objective in Math of 14.8 as measured by district data. 
      • English Learner Programs - We will increase the percentage of students scoring Well Developed on the Summative ELPAC by 5% from 25% to 30%.
      • Culture & Climate - The percentage of parents who complete the School Experience survey will increase by 23% from 57% to 80% as measured by the School Experience Survey dashboard.
      • Social/Emotional - By June 2024, the percentage of students who are identified as "chronically absent" or Intensive will decrease by a minimum of 10% from 36.8 to 26.8 or less as reported on FOCUS Attendance.



Teachers, Parents, Students - Together for Success


In the Classroom


As a teacher, I understand the importance of the school experience to every student and my role as an educator and model. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:


      • Provide a safe, positive, and healthy learning environment.
      • Provide high quality instruction using rigorous curriculum on all necessary concepts before regular homework is assigned.
      • Strive to be aware of the individual need of the students.
      • Focus on students’ successes and try to motivate them to improve.
      • Explain the criteria for student grades and for being chosen to receive recognition awards.
      • Integrate the 21st Century Skills of collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication.
      • Implement technology across all subjects

At Home


I understand that my participation in my child's education will help his/her achievement and attitude. Therefore, I will continue to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:


      • Ensure that my child completes all homework assignments on time and review it for correctness.
      • Review corrected school work and assessments sent home, and help my child with his/her areas of needs. 
      • Communicate regularly with my child's teacher to discuss his//her academic progress.
      • Make sure that my child gets adequate sleep and has a healthy diet.
      • Make sure that my child attends school every day and arrives on time unless he/she is ill.
      • Encourage my child to follow the pillars of character at all times. 




I realize that my education is important. I know that I am the one responsible for my own success. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:


      • Read daily for 20 minutes or more.
      • Complete and return all homework on time.
      • Take responsibility for my actions and my belongings.
      • Be an active learner.
      • Display outstanding citizenship and always be safe, be responsible and be respectful.
      • Follow all school and classroom rules, including the dress-code.